Day 1 - Dallas to Nashville - Thursday, July 1, 2010It was just a long day spent driving. We pulled out of our driveway at 07:25. Drove up I-30 to Mount Vernon, where we gassed up. Crossed into Arkansas and drove thirty more miles up to Hope where we stopped just after 11:00 for an early lunch at Taco Bell. Back on the road we made it to about 45 miles east of Memphis before we had to fill up again. Next stop was Nashville, where we arrived around 19:30. We had had trouble with the A/C blower motor a lot of the way. It started off fine, but after a while the fan stopped blowing on the low settings, and would only blow on high. I checked the fuse, but it was fine. Will have to get it checked when we get to Waynesville.
Used the Yellow Pages Ap on my phone to find a Cracker Barrel in Nashville, and called them from the road. They told me that there were three hotels near them, but when we got here, there were about seven. Checked into the EconoLodge for 60.00, deposited our stuff in the room, then went around the corner to the Cracker Barrel for dinner. Spent the evening catching up on e-mail, and phone calls. Sorry, but no pictures from today.
Day 2 - Nashville to Waynesville - Friday, July 2, 2010
We left the EconoLodge in Nashville about 09:25 and had a rather uneventful trip over to Knoxville. I felt we needed some cash, but couldn't locate a branch of my bank. We decided instead to stop at Wal Mart for a few items, and do a debit card cash back transaction. We found a Wal Mart on the western outskirts of Knoxville, but it was hard to get in and out of it, with all the holiday traffic and the convoluted interchange. Drove on over to the east side of Knoxville and stopped for lunch at Wendy's, then filled the gas tank, and hit the road again.
From Knoxville over to Asheville, NC the way gets steep and curvy. There are usually a lot of big trucks on this highway, and today was no exception. You have to really pay attention to your driving along through here, what with the four-wheelers wanting to drive eighty miles an hour and all the trucks going very slow up the hills and very fast down the hills. I had the cruise control set on sixty-five and had to do a lot of negotiation to get through there.
We finally made it to the state line, and started a long gradual descent, following the course of a river off to the right. Up near the state line on the west bound side, there was some construction. They had one lane shut down, and the creeping back up this caused was more than fifteen miles long. Very nasty to be going west bound today.
We exited the interstate highway at exit 20, and made our way over to Waynesville, and the Super 8 Motel. We had reserved the room a few days ago, so they were expecting us. We got checked in, unloaded the luggage, then headed up to Cataloochie Valley in Great Smokey Mountains National Park.